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Welcome to www.ireland.ru ! Добро Пожаловать в виртуальную Ирландию ! Originally launched by the Ikaria Associates in 1998, ireland.ru was the first Russian language version online web site in Ireland where there is information about Ireland. It is the definitive brand of quality information and services for Russia aimed at Russian Internet users and the expanding ‘Irish interest’ market. Quite probably at present it is the largest information resource in Russian, where there is information about Ireland. More than 20 stand-alone sites covering breaking news, business, technology, Irish cuisine, Irish literature, sports, jobs, tourist information, a Dublin city guide and heritage placesAt the present time in the strategy of development ireland.ru is incorporated to tell the Irish citizen about Russian in Ireland. Certainly: Russian government structures in Ireland; Russian commercial structures in Ireland; Irish organization, that are otherwise connected to Russia (government, political, commercial, cultural, scientific, charitable and things); Some historical events connected to Ireland-Russia (be it Facts and Feats allied to Ireland-Russia) and other The English version (ireland.ru) differs from the Russian version. If you are happy with our service, please tell your friends. If you are not please tell us Полная информация о стране, систематизированная по разделам: историческое наследие, достопримечательности, название страны, территория, административное деление, национальный гимн, население, крупнейшие города, религия, валюта, климат, ландшафт, язык, таможенные правила и др. http://www.ireland.ru/ / Сообщить об ошибке переходов: 376 |